Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gold's Prayer #6

Let's make it our purpose to be closer to God everyday.Praying to Him not only about large things but every little things that we do.
I was watching The Talk early this morning and the grascals sang I'm Strong a song they sang with Dolly Parton and it made me cry cause Yes, we can believe that we are strong .

A portion of the album sale proceeds to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital®
Visit www.stjude.org for more info or to make a donation to fight children's cancer.
Official Grascals' website: www.grascals.co

Dear God# 6: April 13,2011

What a might God,You are, my Lord.It always amaze me that You take time to listen
to every prayer I utter each day.You are so big and I'm so small but You keep on
showing me how important I am.Every little thing I do,I should do it in Your glory.
I may not be famous but if I smile at a stranger may it bring Your warmth to that person.
I become strong because You are my God.Amen.

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