Monday, May 26, 2008

Time with Him

I sometimes feel bad for neglecting my time with God. Sometimes praying becomes a task and I feel bad about that. I know God wants us to have a real relationship with Him not a scheduled one.I'm posting my prayer here to remind me to always find a quiet time with Him and include Him in everything that I do.

Dear God, I feel so bad
I never thought of you today
Now I feel really sad
For I didn't have time to pray
Please Lord help me listen
Help me feel Your loving presence
Let Your light above glisten
Cause nothing makes any sense
If You're not included in my list.
I hope that this prayer will be
A reminder to pray and bend my knees.
In the sweetest name of Jesus, Amen.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Father's Love; He's name is John

Among the twelve disciples, John is my favorite. This is because my dad is also called John. Dad's favorite verse is even found in that book.
" For God so love the world that He gave us His only begotten son and whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have an everlasting life."
John 3:16
Dad is the eldest among seven siblings.When his father died,He was only a teenager so he became the bread winner of his family He stopped schooling and worked hard to help his mother provide for their needs. I can say that Dad is a good brother and son.

Perseverance and determination are two of his many good traits.He pursued his studies in college at the age of twenty six. He finished it and became an Agriculturist.

As a husband he was not the kind to give flowers on Heart's day but you can see his love for mom everyday. He was a very supportive husband and of course as a father,he was created to be one of the best.

He got sick when I was in Junior High and underwent an operation so I was not able to attend my recognition day in school.Some people said I didn't attend because I was rank number two instead of one and they assumed that I was a sour loser.

It was then that I remembered his words when he noticed that going to school became a burden and the main reason was that,
I was affected by the academic competition and some comments from my classmates and other people that year ...
He just said one night, when we were about to sleep," Gold, you don't need to prove anything.We know your strength and weaknesses.We understand that you can't handle some of those who criticize you. What matters to me and your mom is that your health wouldn't be affected.Whatever the result, we will be happy as long as you're healthy."

His words made me feel that I am accepted for who I am and not because of what I can do.I also realized then that people who keeps pulling me down don't matter.I may be losing the battle academically because I was letting go and was giving up to stop the pressure around me but these things didn't affect me physically and emotionally because I kept my promise to stay healthy till I reached the senior year .Though my rank remain the same I was happy that I had passed that test of endurance.

Dad walked with me in our graduation march.He looked as handsome as ever after a year's operation.Mom watched with pride in her eyes. I was indeed one of the happiest graduates of that year.