Friday, January 29, 2016

Mom's Prayer 1: Family Time

My last post was three years ago so now I want to be an active blogger and this time I would be sharing some of my mom's prayers. Let's Pray with her today: #Mom'sMorningPrayer: Good morning everyone! Smile , hug one another and say, "Our Lord is with us!" Thank you, dear Lord, for a beautiful morning. We praise and glorify You as we start the day with gladness and joy fill our hearts. Thank you for the blessings we receive from You. Teach us to be gentle and kind, thinking not only of ourselves but also of others. May we share love, joy, peace and hope as we walk our journey of life. Bless each and everyone of us as we meet with our family and friends. Touch Your Loving and Healing hands to each and everyone of us. Heal our pains and ache and give us peace of mind .Let us walk closer with You and give us a happy day. In Jesus' name. Amen. #Mom'sEveningPrayer: A busy day. Let us enjoy the family bonding; sharing stories, going shopping and seeing friends. Let us pray. Dear Lord, thank you for taking good care of us and guiding us to the right direction. We know that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the bad things that happen to us will lead us down the road to some of the best things we could have ever imagined. We will never lose hope for with you miracles happen everyday. Our faith and trust in You, dear Lord, becomes stronger and deeper everyday. In Jesus' name. Amen. Here's the link for my one-line-prayer: One-Line-Prayer

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