Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gold"s Prayer to God # 8 to 13

I don't write on my blogs regularly that's why you would notice that my short prayers from 8 to 13 would all be here in this page.
Dear God # 8
God, You're the best listener.Sometimes we tell other people about
our problems and triumphs and we forget to tell You.We are sometimes
more focused in our own world and we forget to include You.LOrd,
may we realize how important it is to bow down and pray.Thank You,

Dear God #9
Heavenly God,You sent Jesus to die for our sins and we are truly
grateful for all His sacrifices for us.Though we are sinners, we could
be saved by His Blood.We just need to believe and flee from our sins.
God help us to be strong when we are tempted to sin.Give us strength
to rebuke what is bad.Thank You for listening and guiding us.In the Mighty
Name of Jesus,Amen.

Dear God #10
We glorify Your Name Father.We can't be here without You.You are
the reason we're alive.Help us to see YOur purpose in our lives.Keep
us thirsty for Your presence.Amen

Dear God #11
God may we always follow Your will even if we are sometimes weak and follow the wider road which looks easier than follow the narrowroad that You wanted us to choose. If we fall from sins Oh Lord please have mercy on us and help us stand again.We know if we confess our sins 
You're ready to take us in Your arms and forgive. Help us to be strong and to do Your will.Amen.

Dear God #12
Jesus,the Savior of all mankind.We bow before you and confess our sins.
We were the reason why You died on the cross.Our sins were with You
and we were cleanse by believing.Lord Jesus,thank You for Your

Dear God #13
Let YOur Holy Spirit come upon us Lord.We to feel Your Holiness
in our lives.We need YOur Comfort.All these we ask in Your name.Amen

1 comment:

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Stopping by to say Hello! I have perused all three of your blogs and enjoyed each one :)

Kindly, Lorraine