Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gold's Prayer to God # 14

Dear God,
Yesterday I realized how important it is to pray and thank You everyday.
Now,I would try to start my day praying. I would love to make You smile above when You see me kneel down to speak with You.
I used to have prayers focusing on my needs or about  my family or persons I know but now I want to include people I don't know who need prayers.I want to pray for people who are hungry, don't know You and children from the different places of this world who are orphans or drug addicts.I hope by doing so I can make a difference because I know You'll be there to help.
I told some youths in our church to pray for anyone whenever they'll receive text messages from their cellphones which of course will make them pray more often because texting is becoming their favorite hobby.
Lord, show us Your Light and may it guide us to pray for people who really need prayers.In the Sweetest name of Jesus,amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings From Southern California

Thanks for your recent visit to My Blog

Take care and have a nice Thanksgiving :-)